Mobile Applications & Services Lab Launched at GVSU
Posted on | September 24, 2009 | 2 Comments

MASL is located in C2-217 (second floor of Mackinac Hall in the CIS office suite)
The Mobile Applications and Services Lab recently held its first research group meeting at GVSU’s School of Computing and Information Systems. In addition to myself, the group currently consists of five CIS graduate students and two undergraduate researchers. A variety of topics were discussed at the initial meeting, and perhaps most importantly we discussed our mission statement. We expect this will be subject to some refinement in the months ahead, but this is how it reads at the moment:
“The Mobile Applications and Services Laboratory aims to combine emerging mobile technologies, social media, and pervasive network services in ways that effectively enhance the lives of real people and the communities within which they work, play, and socialize.”
The MASL Research Group meets weekly on Wednesday afternoons to discuss ongoing research projects.
We also discussed a vision statement with regard to who/what we want to become as we successfully execute our mission.
“By contributing original research results, enhanced educational experiences, and entrepreneurial opportunities, MASL aims to become established as a recognized center of excellence in mobile technology, within the GVSU community, the State of Michigan, and beyond.”
Our dedicated laboratory facility is located in C2-217 Mackinac Hall, and consists of new iMac and Dell workstations and a stash of new mobile devices. There’s been a flurry of activity here in the past couple of weeks as students have begun working on various projects. A lot of effort has also been put into getting our development environment in place (Thanks John!!)
The "black box" on wheels is the MASL "toy box" - our stash of mobile devices.
In the months ahead we hope to post details of our progress here on this page. In the meantime, we’re interested in hearing from you, whether you are part of the GVSU community or beyond. Do drop us a line.
MASL researcher John Spencer leads a discussion on iPhone development at a weekly group meeting.
2 Responses to “Mobile Applications & Services Lab Launched at GVSU”
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March 1st, 2010 @ 10:32 am
I am happy to see the formation of this lab. I am very new to Android development and hope that you will be holding seminars in the near future for us new to mobile development. Is there any one person I may contact for help with ramping up my android development knowledge?
Thank you in advance.
David Young
B. Science in Comp. Sci. Class of ’94
MS in Comp. Sci. Class of 2009
March 1st, 2010 @ 8:53 pm
Hi David, Stop by anytime. We’ve got a lot of people in our lab working with Android these days. You might be interested in our bi-weekly seminars. Read more at our lab website: